World Cities by Elevation

This is a list of world cities grouped by elevation (when known).

Cities Located at Below Sea Level Low-Lying Cities: From 0m to 15 m From 15 m to 300 m (~50 ft to ~1,000 ft) From 300 to 1,500m (~1,000 ft to ~5,000 ft) High-Altitude Cities: 1,500 m (~5,000 ft) and higher

Cities Located at Below Sea Level

Here's a list of cities sited in locations below sea level.

Low-Lying Cities: From 0m to 15 m

This is a list of low-lying cities located at average elevations from sea level to about 15m (approximately 50 ft). Not every city here is a coastal city, but those that are could be at risk from occassional flooding.

From 15 m to 300 m (~50 ft to ~1,000 ft)

This is a list of cities located at altitudes from about 15m (approx. 50 ft) to 300m (approx. 1,000 ft). Most world cities fall into this "nothing special" (elevation-wise) category.

From 300 to 1,500m (~1,000 ft to ~5,000 ft)

This is a list of cities located at altitudes from about 300 m (approx. 1,000 ft) to 1,500 m (just under 5,000 ft). People traveling to the cities that are toward the higher end of this range may want to take some precautions. For example, it may be wise not to schedule any activity requiring physical exertion for the first few days of your stay in an over-1,000 m (over-3,280 ft) city, since your body may need to adapt.

High-Altitude Cities: 1,500 m (~5,000 ft) and higher

This is a list of high-altitude cities: those located at altitudes over 1,500 m (aproximately 5,000 ft). Most people will experience a period of acclimation.

Page ID: by_elevation
Link to self: World Cities by Elevation